Monday, October 18, 2010

First---Meeting and Impression - A Poem from my Collection

First---Meeting and Impression

An opinion,
A comment or how you call it.
It was made
When I saw you.
The moment was perfect.
Even if it was the first.
Your eyes gave
An impression I was hoping
To be real.
The beauty you possess
Your eyes could tell it all.
No matter how I try
To just stop looking
You make me look again.
I was startled
When our eyes met
It was so sudden.
I was out of words.
But then, you made
That feeling fade
With just a smile
From your innocent face.
I can see the simplicity
The happiness that was
Within you who was there
I tried to call your name
But I started to sweat
I tried to hide it
Good thing I had a handkerchief.
Then you came nearer to me
And said something
"You're Sim, right?"
I did not know what to do.
Or, was I just shocked.
I said, "Yes, I am."
And that's how it all began.

Car Race - A Poem from my Collection

Car Race

The line was straight
Engines were hot
Racers in suits
Ready for the start.

The gunshot sounded
Echoed in each ear
The mark of the beginning
Of a race for fame.

Wheels screeching, loud and smooth
Smoke belching at every curve
Turning right, then,
Turning left.

With the crowd screaming
With heartbeats felt
No second is wasted
By both viewers and racers.

The lead racer waved
People were watching with awe
It gave the crowd
The scene they expected.

The second racer tried to overtake
A move that really made
The crowd wild
Like they never did.

The third did something
That changed the course of the race
He crashed on the side
The viewers were sad.

The race was coming to an end
With only two almost
Tail by tail
Head to head.

The last lap has finally
Come with perspiration
Until one among the racers
Emerged as he won.

The winner was announced
Guess who?
First was the first
Second was the second.